четверг, 5 апреля 2012 г.

Healthy Aperture: Like Tastespotting, But for Healthy Food!

Do you love Tastespotting, Foodgawker and Tasteologie? Do you love browsing through those galleries of food... and yet, do you sometimes feel a sugar overload? If you're looking for even more inspiration on the savory and healthy side, check out Healthy Aperture, a new food photo site that puts the spotlight on healthful choices. The site is run by two registered dieticians, and they look for submissions that include at least one aspect of healthful eating. But what constitutes healthful eating? They speak to this in their FAQ: This site is not intended as a "prescription" for any one particular "diet." Its goal is to inspire people to incorporate more healthful recipes in their daily lives. Please do keep in mind though that all submissions will be reviewed against the established nutrition criteria. They try to showcase foods that include good things like vegetables, fruits, whole grains, fat-free and low-fat dairy products, as well as lean protein. They look for recipes that reduce calories a bit, or increase fiber. There are lots of other characteristics that would qualify a recipe for Healthy Aperture; you can see them all at their FAQ. The food there is lovely and very inspiring, and it is a nice alternative source for good recipes. Visit Healthy

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